Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Budgeting YUCK!!

I am fully aware that the title Budgeting does not entice many people since its actually one of the most dreadful things we all do each month but hear me out... So My husband was getting quite overwhelmed by doing our budget. By "doing our budget" i mean he just kept a number in his head of all our money and accounts etc. Obviously that can be stressful and wasnt working. So he decided it should be mine to deal with. I was not very excited about this at all. The last thing i want to do is worry about our finances. However it is a part of having a family and needless to say....I started our budget. I found this really great website called www.budgetsimple.com It is exactly what it says. SIMPLE! we do not do any online banking and we also have other income that does not hit our bank account so tracking it on our online banking is not an option. This website puts it all in one place. Lets you know when your purchase was not budgeted for and keeps you aware of how many times you step out of your budget. We are a nickle and dime family so this was very important for us. You input your salary and any kind of salary not just from work. like Social Security, child support etc. then you enter in all that you are planning to spend during the month. it keeps everything right where it needs to be and flags things so that you know and are aware of what is going on. Anyways there is a bit more too it but just know that if you are struggling a little on making a budget or if you have that notebook filled with all of your transactions its time to move on and find a easier way. check it out i think you will love it!

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