Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Chaos and loving it!

Well hello everyone! its been a while since i was a dedicated blogger. I am doing well as is my family but wow we have just been Slammed! I have a moment today so ill catch you all up. I became a Vegetarian on Oct 15th lol and that has been going really well. If you are wondering why i made the change then google "earthlings" its a documentary and its well there are no words but needless to say i am no longer a meat eater. Anyways my husband has been wonderfully supportive! We only cook vegetarian and everyone in the house is very please with it. We have eaten so many more foods that we would have before. We were pretty much eating casseroles because of the cost of meat and now our grocery bill is almost cut in half. we can actually enjoy going out to eat now. Crazy!! My kiddos are doing wonderful as well. Triston (14) is working on his grades and doing great! Kendal (6) just started ice skating classes and is doing awesome in her Spanish program at school and Zephan (9 months) is trying to walk and getting into everything lol. My husband just got a great job that will be making us some awesome money! so if you have been reading up since the beginning of this blog you will understand that this is a dream come true. He is working more which is sad but its ok because we are making great time with the time that we do have. He is so great! With having the kiddos all day long lets face it by the end of the day i want to rip my hair out lol but he always lets me get my relaxing time in so i can feel refreshed for the next day. My Scentsy Business as you know is just blowing up right now! its amazing! I have 6 people in my down line now, these are people who i have recruited for my team and they are all so happy to be apart of it too. We are having fun and making money doing it. it feels really nice to not only help provide for my family but also help my team do the same. Well as you can see life is just moving right along. I hope you are all doing great too! XO

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